Blueberry "syrup"

This morning, two things converged to become a lovely meal.  Number one: now that the kids are in school and I'm often at home by myself, I sometimes have a hankering for a delicious brunch-for-one.  Number two: I like blueberries, and since they've been on sale lately I keep buying them up to snack on.  After recently reading this paragraph from an article about blueberries, I'm especially sold on the awesomeness of them: Overweight rats fed the human equivalent of 1 cup of blueberries a day stored less belly fat than those that didn’t eat them, reports a University of Michigan study. The researchers believe compounds in anthocyanin, the pigment that gives blueberries their tint, may turn on genes related to fat burning.

Interesting, huh?  So -- I decided today to make Dutch Baby, and to incorporate blueberries in the form of a syrup.  YUM!

Here's how I made the syrup:

Rinse one container (one cup) of blueberries, put into a small saucepan.  Add about 3T sugar, about 1/8 tsp cinnamon, and stir til it's basically combined.  No need to add water!

Turn the burner on medium-high, stirring occasionally, until it starts to get bubbly.  As the blueberries cook, they'll break down and release their juices, and the syrup will soon start to look a little more syrup-y instead of a pan full of dry berries.

Simmer, uncovered, on medium-low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add 1/2 tsp vanilla. Allow to sit for 5 minutes before serving.

 The final result was about 2/3 c of a chunky sauce, more like a berry compote.  I went ahead and used all of it on my Dutch Baby, but half would've been enough.  I just figured, I was planning on eating that whole container of blueberries today anyway, so might as well!  It was yummy.
 Maybe it's weird that I'm posting a picture of the plate after I ate, but it's to show the very pretty color of the syrup against the white plate.  Cooked blueberries make the best color ever.
Enjoy!  (I know I did!)


Danika said...

I tried your Dutch Baby recipe last week and we all loved it! :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Sara, the syrup sounds delicious. It's a perfect way to top off a Dutch baby. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

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